Watch this video to get an introduction to Shoreline OMEx For more information please contact
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Watch this video to get an introduction to Shoreline ConEx For more information please contact
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You may occasionally experience problems with the user interface in the browser; this often caused by issues with the browser. Some browsers are not compati...
By default, when logging in you, will arrive at the dashboard. You can also locate the dashboard by click on the following icon in the top left corner: T...
The offline functionality lets users continue to work in the system when the internet connection disappears. Parts of the system is unavailable, but you w...
Sharing of work package With the work package sharing feature, you have the ability to share all data associated with a work package with other us...
In this article, you will learn how to set up reminders on your notifications. Firstly you can set up your notification settings in the 'User settings&...
When you have set up the reminders (see Setting up reminders on notifications), you are also able to see a summary of all your reminder settings as well as...
This article describes how to plan and track the loadout of assets, sub-assemblies, and components. This feature tracks which sub-assemblies and components ...
There is an option to customise the fields you see, and in which order you see them - this option is found on the following lists: Adverse events reports ...