Sharing of work package

With the work package sharing feature, you have the ability to share all data associated with a work package with other users within your organisation. You can find this in the 'Work package management' module.

Previously there was a limitation with the permission matrix whereby if you had access to a particular module, you also had access to all the data objects associated, by default.

Now there's the ability for personnel to have access only to certain data that has been shared with them, even if they have access to that module.

Note to admin users:
  • Important things to note are that there must always be at least one admin user. So if you try to revoke your own access without having added another admin you will get an error when saving
  • As an admin, you have access to everything inside the sharing tab. You can add new users, revoke access, change users' admin rights, access related and toggle the data as public or private

There is a sharing tab within the 'Work Packages' module.

Click 'Sharing' and define if it is private or who you want to share it with.

Here you get to choose whether to keep the work package "Public" or set it as a "Private package"

  • Public package is available to everyone within your company.
  • Private package is only visible to you and the users you choose to share this data with. Other admins can also share this data.

If you choose to make it accessible to specified users with controlled permissions, as the administrator of the work package, you will set the sharing permissions and a sharing section on all objects to control sharing of objects outside of work packages to either of the following:

  • Admin Rights: Control who the work package is shared with and their permissions
    • To set these permissions go to: 'Grant access to users' > Select desired user to make as admin (i.e. yourself and any required admins) > Select 'Admin permissions' radio button > Save changes
  • Access only: Read data within the work package

    • To set these permissions, go to: 'Grant access to users' > Select desired user > Ignore 'Admin permissions' radio button > Save changes

*see image below for completed example:


  • When a package or object has been shared with the user, said user will get that data in all modules where the user has access according to the permission matrix
  • All users where the data has been shared with them, with at least 'Access' status, will see the data of the work package regardless of the permission matrix, but will only get access to modules as specified on the permission matrix

Sharing of work package object-specific

You will also see new 'Sharing' tabs on each individual object of a work package that will give the admin (creator is admin by default) of the object the ability to share with individuals by typing in their email address/name.

Each activity, work order, and adverse event that is created will inherit the same sharing settings of the associated Work Package. If no Work Package is associated, the new item will inherit the Work Order sharing settings. If no sharing settings are specified, each item will be public by default. 

NOTE: The relevant items (Work order, Activities and Adverse events (and thus the work order), Components, Sub Assemblies) will inherit the same sharing settings as the work package so there will not be any discrepancies in what is shared. Assets, Equipment, Personnel and Teams will not have the same behaviour as they are public.

  • If Adverse events, Components, Sub Assemblies are assigned to one or more work packages it will be private if all work packages are private; else, it's public
    • Sharing will be updated immediately after you do changes to the work package option
    • The person will be notified by a pop-up message saying that sharing settings have either changed to public or private depending on the rule above
    • The pop-up message will also have an undo button which will revert changes applied after selecting a work package
  • When creating a new object and turning on sharing, you will be listed immediately in the list as an admin
  • When creating/updating an activity with a work order, it will follow the first rule, but if the work order does not have a work package, the activity will adopt the sharing levels of the work order
  • When creating/updating other objects that are shareable after selecting private work package and manually turning on sharing on this object, all users are listed from that private work package immediately 
  • These rules are also followed in places where it’s not shown a modal window

If you do not have certain objects shared with other users, they will not see that object anywhere in the system. The user will see e.g. transport on an activity even if the transport is not shared with the user, but will not see the transport under the transport menu.

An individual object of a work package would be, for example: 

Work Packages > Select Work Package > Select 'Assets' > Edit 'Asset' > Select 'Sharing'

Here you would follow the same steps for setting sharing permissions set out in 'Work Package Sharing' above.

Here is a list of all the specific objects updated for sharing:

  • Work package
  • Assets
  • Work orders
  • Activities
  • Adverse events
  • Personnel
  • Teams
  • Logistics
  • Components
  • Subassemblies
  • Sites