Substations are offshore installations that work as "power hubs". They have the purpose of collecting, transforming and exporting the power generated by the wind turbines. The substation can accommodate facilities and power equipment such as generators, transformers/reactors, helipad, a crane, a control room etc. If a failure happens in the substation, it will impact power production.

When creating a wind farm in O&M Design™ or Construction Design™, substations can be added together with wind turbines. The substations must be added first and then edited (the input values must be filled in).

Click the link to go directly to the information you're looking for:

Add a substation to a case

This article explains how to add a new substation. Same way as adding Wind Turbines above in Step 3.

1.   Build → Assets   →  Add   →    Substation   → Add instances 

2. Fill in the number of substations. 

3. Assign the geographical position between the substations manually or with the use of an import.

PLEASE NOTE: for Construction, wind turbines and substations will have 'Grid start date' which is the date when testing can start from and 'Completion start date' when 'Installation' is disabled in the case scope.
The following part explains how to edit the substation. 

Edit the inputs of a substation

After the substation is added, the input values for the substation must be filled in or edited. To edit follow the below steps:

1.   Build → Assets   →    Click on the substation

2. Fill in the input boxes in the window that appears. 

For O&M Design™, it will look like this

For Construction, it will look like this:

Next step is to edit all available input values. See more detail for each input in this article

Duplicate a substation

In any case with a substation already added, you can duplicate the asset, copying all existing parameters, including weather. This can be useful if you have two assets that share parameters, but, e.g., have different locations. Just copy the asset, then edit the location of the duplicate.

  1. Go to Build >  Assets.
  2. Click the three-dot additional options menu icon.
  3. Click Create duplicate on case.
  4. Choose the number of substations you want to add.
  5. Click Define site area, Place individually on map, or manually enter the coordinates of the substations to locate them.
  6. Click Add.

A duplicate of the asset will appear, which you can edit as needed.