Learn how to use key in-app features. After you register time in the app, you can use the Execution web app to add those activities to a timesheet that you can submit for approval.

My schedule

From My Schedule, you can view, edit, and delete activities, add an activity, register time against an activity and change the display date. After creating activities and registering time against the, you can add activities to a timesheet and submit them for approval.

Register time on an activity

Register time on an existing activity for yourself (default) and on behalf of others assigned to the activity.

You cannot register time against an activity for any personnel that have existing overlapping time entries on the same or any other activities. You will receive a notification warning of any conflicts when you go to save the time registration. You need to remove the affected personnel or change the activity time or duration before you can register the new activity.

  1. From the My Schedule screen, swipe left on an activity to open the Register time screen.
  2. There are two ways to register time:
    • Enter a start and end date and time.
    • Enter the Time spent.
      • The time will be registered from the currently selected Start date and time. The end time will be automatically updated.
  3. To register time on behalf of others, tap Register time for and select the relevant employees. You will need additional permissions to register time on behalf of others.
    • Note: You can only register time on behalf of users that you have previously assigned to the activity. Edit an activity to assign users to it if they do no appear here.
  4. Tap Register.

You have registered time on an activity. The activity card in My Schedule will display the new total time registered against the activity.

You can also register time through the web app.

Register a new activity

Register a new activity to create the activity and register the set time against it for all assigned users. The time is automatically registered even if they activity takes place in the future.

You cannot register time against an activity for any personnel that have existing overlapping time entries. You will receive a notification warning of any conflicts when you go to save the activity. You need to remove the affected personnel or change the activity time or duration before you can register the new activity. 

  1. From the My Schedule screen, tape the blue + icon at the bottom right.
  2. Tap Register new activity.
  3. Complete the required fields:
    • Site
    • Activity category
    • Time spend
      • The activity start time will be the current time. The end time will automatically update. Use the Start date and time and End date and time fields if the activity does not begin at the current time.
  4. Complete any optional fields you require:
    • Asset
      • Selecting an asset will filter the Work Order dropdown to only display work orders relevant to the selected asset. Configuring work orders is done through the Shoreline web app.
    • Work package
      • Selecting a work package filter the Work order dropdown to only display work orders within that work package.
    • Work order
      • Selecting a work order will filter the Activity category dropdown to only display categories linked to the selected work order. Configuring work orders is done through the Shoreline web app.
    • Register time for
      • Use this dropdown to select additional users for whom you want to register time on the same activity. You will need additional permissions to register time on behalf of others.
    • Start date and time
      • Limited to one week either side of today's date.
    • End date and time
      • Limited to one week either side of today's date.
    • Status
      • None, Dispatched, or Completed
      • When you set an activity to Completed, you have the option to lock the activity. Users cannot edit, delete, or register time against locked activities.
    • Subassembly
    • Component
    • Internal remarks
  5. Tap Save.

You have added an activity to your schedule and registered the set time to all users. If it falls within the 14-day window you are currently viewing, you will the activity on the My Schedule screen. Otherwise, you can change the date to view the activity.

You can also register new activities through the web app.

View and edit activities

Editing activities does not affect the time registered against the activity, including when assigning new users to the activity and removing existing users. You need to assign a user to the activity and register time on an activity to update the time registered.

  1. Tap an activity in My Schedule to view the activity details.
  2. You can no edit the activity or cancel without making any changes:
    1. Edit the activity
      1. Make any required changes to the activity.
        • Note: Updating the Time spent field will change the activity end date. To adjust for a different activity start time, use the Start date field.
      2. Tap Save.
    2. Tap Cancel to exit without editing the activity.

Lock and unlock activities

You can lock and unlock activities at any time. When an activity is locked, you cannot edit, delete, or register time against the activity.

  1. From the My Schedule screen, tape the relevant activity.
  2. Tap Lock/Unlock at the bottom right of the screen.
  3. Confirm you want to lock/unlock the activity.
  4. Tap Save at the bottom of the screen.

Delete activities

Deleting activities is permanent. You cannot restore deleted activities.

You can only delete activities if your account has delete permissions. Contact your account admin if you require this functionality.

  1. From the My Schedule screen, swipe right on the activity you want to delete.
  2. Tap Delete to confirm.

Change the date on your schedule

Note: You can only change the date on your schedule when you have internet connectivity.

The schedule displays activities for 7 days either side of your selected date. By default, the date is set to today’s date. To change the date, follow the instructions below.

  1. On the My Schedule screen, tap the month and year at the top left of the screen.
  2. Tap a date in your calendar. You can cycle through the months by swiping left and right.

The schedule screen will automatically update to display any activities within your new 14-day window.

Reset the schedule to today's date by tapping the calendar Today icon at the top right of the My Schedule screen.


After registering time against activities, you can add time registrations to a timesheet, which you can then submit for approval.

Create and submit a timesheet

  1. From the Timesheets screen, tape the blue + icon at the bottom right.
  2. Tap Add a new timesheet.
  3. Complete the required fields:
    • Name
      • The name field comes prefilled by the dates you have selected, as well as the work package, if you have selected one. You can rename the timesheet if required.
    • Start date
    • End date
    • Submit timesheet for
  4. Complete any option fields you need:
    • Work package
      • Only activities assigned to this work package are added to the timesheet.
  5. Tap Continue.
  6. You will see an overview of the registered time that will be added to your timesheet.
    • Edit a time registration by tapping on it.
      • Note: Updating the Time spent field will change the time registration end date. To adjust for a different time registration start time, use the Start date field.
    • Delete a time registration by swiping left on it.
    • Re-add a deleted time registration by tapping the blue + icon, selecting the relevant time registration, and clicking Add.
  7. You can now either Send the timesheet for approval or Save the timesheet as a draft.
    • If you tap Send:
      1. Tap Continue.
      2. Select the approval account.
      3. Tap Confirm.
      4. Tap Send.
    • If you tap Save, the timesheet will appear on your Timesheets page under the Draft status. Tap on the timesheet at any time to open the details card and send it for approval.

You can also add time registration to a timesheet in the Shoreline web app.

View and edit timesheets

You can view timesheet details for any timesheet. You can only edit unsent timesheets.

  1. Tap a timesheet to view the timesheet details.
  2. Edit the timesheet or cancel without making any changes:
    1. Edit the timesheet:
      1. Make any required changes to the timesheet.
      2. Tap Continue.
      3. Add, edit, or delete time registrations as required.
        • Note: Updating the Time spent field will change the time registration end date. To adjust for a different time registration start time, use the Start date field.
      4. Tap Save.
    2. Tap Cancel to exit without editing the time registration.

Delete a timesheet

Deleting timesheets is permanent. You cannot restore deleted timesheets.

You can only delete timesheets if your account has delete permissions. Contact your account administrator if you require this functionality.

  1. From the Timesheets screen, swipe right on the timesheet you want to delete.
  2. Tap Delete to confirm.


Swipe right on notifications to mark them as read or unread. Bulk mark as read by tapping on Settings > Mark all as read

Swipe left on a notification to clear it from your notification centre. 

Tap on any notification to be redirected to the relevant timesheet. 


From your profile, you can switch workspace and log out of the app.

Switch workspace

Note: You can only switch workspace when you have internet connectivity.

  1. Tap My Profile at the bottom right.
  2. Tap Switch workspace.
  3. Enter the name of the workspace you want to switch to.
  4. Tap Continue.
  5. Enter the relevant account email and password.
  6. Tap Login.