Shoreline defect management is a simple way to report something wrong for review and repair. Within the defect overview, you can track defects

Keep a track record of everything that has not worked for several reasons:

  • Use historical data to predict defects.
  • Use the defect repair history to recommend actions and reduce repair time.
  • Have an overview of everything that is not working in the asset so you know the actual state of it and the risk it represents to production and financial loss.
  • Track downtime on the asset and resulting production loss to understand the economic impact of non-functioning equipment.

The defects are usually reported in two ways. Someone may manually report something that sounds or looks wrong, often on a spreadsheet or through WhatsApp. Or the defect is triggered by the SCADA system or the condition monitoring system (CMS).

Manage defect settings

Before you can start creating and tracking defects, you need to create defect priorities, defect types, and, optionally, create any SCADA error codes to align your system with Shoreline.

All these settings are then selectable at the time of defect registration.

All defect settings are found under Account settings > Defects.

You have the following options:

  • Defect priority
    • Enter a name for the priority and set the default resolution time.
    • The resolution time is automatically filled when someone creates a defect with this priority option, but it can be manually overridden.
  • Defect type
    • Enter a name for the defect type.
  • Error codes
    • Enter an error code or name to match your system.