There are two ways to add grouting to your case: 

  • Use a single HLV and add grouting as part of the WTG installation process
    • Model the time required for grouting without any other additions to your case. 
  • Create a dedicated grouting HLV
    • Model grouting tasks that appear in your case outputs. 
    • Requires the following additions: 
      • Create and configure a dedicated HLV for grouting. 
      • Add a jacket, pile, monopile, or foundation asset. 
      • Create an asset grouting task and link it to the asset installation task. 

Add grouting as part of the WTG installation process 

Grouting will not appear in your outputs, but the process will occur and contribute to your project duration. 

These steps require a case configured with an HLV. 

  1. Open a Design Construction case 
  2. Click on the Build tab.
  3. Click on the Logistics tab. 
  4. Click on the HLV. 
  5. Click on the Processes tab. 
  6. Click on 6.0 - Install Component
  7. Click + Add step
  8. Name the step, e.g., Grouting
  9. Enter a Duration value and any Required weather window and Weather criteria.

  10. Click Save

Create a dedicated grouting HLV 

Once you’ve added either a jacket, monopile, pile, or foundation asset to your case, as well as a dedicated grouting HLV, you can add an HLV grouting process and an asset grouting task to model grouting. 

These grouting tasks will appear in your case outputs after you run a simulation. 

  1. Open a Design Construction case. 
  2. Click on the Build tab. 
  3. Click on the Logistics tab. 
  4. Click on the grouting HLV. 
  5. Click on the Processes tab. 
  6. Under 7.0 - Grouting component, enter a Duration value and any Required weather window and Weather criteria.

  7. Click Save
  8. Click on the Assets tab. 
  9. Click on either the jacket, monopile, pile, or foundation asset.
  10. Click on the Tasks tab. 
  11. Click + Add task
  12. Complete the task inputs: 
    1. From the Task type dropdown, select Grouting: Shuttle
    2. Select a Loadout base
    3. Set the Dependent task as the installation task. 
    4. Enter a Maximum delay
      • Note: Enter a value that is higher than the grouting component duration set on the HLV process in step 6. 
    5. Select the dedicated grouting HLV as the Logistics for the task.

  13. Click Save