All Output data is now available in one sheet for ease of use.

This is an Output Report for Con 3 rather than an update of the Con 1 Output Report. We took the good from Construction 1 and added new useful data for Construction 3.

Where can I find the data which was in the Construction 1 Output Report?

Construction 3

Construction 3 Definition

Construction 1


List of all project costs. Includes fuel consumption, port fees, day rates, base staff, mobilization, facilities, consumables costs etc.


Logistics Utilization

This is a measure of how many days a vessel has sailed / logistic has been used in a month.


Technician Utilization

The number of days personnel were used per days available in a given month/year

Technician utilization

Weather Downtime

Reflects the proportion of time with bad weather relative to the total available time

Waiting on Weather in Workshift

Waiting on Weather


Milestones reflect the completion of a task

Installed assets

Completed assets

Commissioned assets



N/A. Timeline - Process Cycles on the Output page dashboard

A blow-by-blow account of all the steps involved in the construction project. In Construction 3 this includes raw simulation data from a specific simulation run.

Master Timeline

Improvements to how Shoreline does calculations

Consistent and increased dataset

The same statistical data is available for every tab on the Construction 3 Output Report. There was inconsistency between the tabs in the Construction 1 report, with some sheets having P-values but no aggregation, and vice versa.

The data is aggregated for every month and year, and the following statistical values are displayed for each time period: 

  • Average

  • Percentiles (P10-> P90)

  • Minimum

  • Maximum

  • Standard Deviation

  • Confidence (minimum)

  • Confidence (maximum)


Shoreline now uses a standardized methodology to calculate percentile values, so that the same values are now displayed on the Construction 3 Output Page and the Construction 3 Output Report. Percentile calculations are done using the nearest rank method - see (section on the nearest-rank method).

The last remaining part to be standardized is the S-curve graph (in progress, April 2023).

The Construction 3 Output Report: tab-by-tab


Cost information wasn’t available at all in Construction 1, but is now available in a specific ‘Cost’ tab in the Construction 3 report. This includes:

  • Fuel consumption

  • Fuel cost

  • Port fees

  • Day rates

  • Base staff cost

  • Facilities cost

  • Mobilization

  • Consumables cost

  • Other costs

Logistics Utilization 

Logistics Utilization is is a measure of how many days a logistic has been used in a month. It is divided into Total Operation Days and Possible Operation Days: a new functionality in Construction 3, allowing users to identify how much of the vessel capacity was utilized in a given scenario.

  • Total Operation Days = the sum of days across all simulated years/months the logistics unit was actually used according to the model.

  • Possible Operation Days = how much of the potential availability was actually used. 

    • Total operation days / # days in that month/year the logistics unit was available according to the availability calendar settings on the unit’s instance settings 

Technician Utilization

Technician Utilization documents the number of days personnel were used per days available in a given month/year.

Weather Downtime

The Construction 3 Output Report has a consistent and more accurate method to calculate Weather Downtime (WDT) across all logistics types. Now all WDT is measured during the run, meaning that we track all the hours the vessel couldn’t sail due to bad weather. In Construction 1, the WDT for small vessels such as CTVs, SOVs and helicopters was identified by weather windows in the weather data, rather than measured during the run, as for bigger vessels. 

The new weather downtime output in the new output report replaces ‘Waiting on weather in workshift’ and ‘Waiting on weather’ sheets in the Construction 1 output report, which were only for CTV/SOV/helicopter in Construction 1. 

The calculation for weather downtime percentage is:

 Time with bad weather / Relevant available time

Time with bad weather = all periods where the vessel has bad weather
Relevant available time = the time with good weather inside a work shift + ‘Time with bad weather’


Milestones reflect the completion of a task. In Construction 3 there are milestones for every task in the case which is much more detailed than in Construction 1.

The ‘Milestones’ tab replaces three tabs in the Construction 1 output report: Installed assets, Completed assets, Commissioned assets, reflecting the different way to create tasks in Construction 3. These are P-run based not P value; the data is taken from the fastest run. 

Note: the information in the Milestones tab on the Construction 3 Output Report is exactly the same as the information in the Timeline - Milestones report in Download Reports. 

Construction 1 data now located elsewhere in Construction 3

List of construction steps

We have removed the Master Timeline, which was a net run-based Project Plan: a blow-by-blow account of all the steps involved in the construction project, including the start and end of every transit or installation activity. The Master Timeline was calculated by a script run on the simulation data rather than taking it directly from a single simulation run, and everything was statistically calculated. 

We have replaced this with a new download report called Timeline - Process Cycles on the Output Page dashboard. This includes raw simulation data from a specific simulation run.