The timesheets page lets you report time registered by you and your team and submit it for approval.

From the Timesheets section, you can do the following:

  • Create and submit timesheets.
  • View timesheet details.
  • Edit unsent timesheets.
    • Edit associated activities and time registrations.
    • Note: If you delete or make changes to activities that appear on a timesheet, the changes are only visible on the timesheet is in Draft status.

Create a timesheet

You can create timesheets when online or offline. Timesheets created offline will sync when you regain connectivity.

When offline, time registered for the past month is available. To create a timesheet for time registered longer than one ago, you must be online.

The filters you use to create a timesheet (date, personnel, and work packages) are saved and will appear pre-filled when you edit a draft timesheet.


  1. Click Work orders in the left-hand menu.
  2. Click Timesheets.
  3. Click the Add new button at the top right of the timesheets table.
  4. In the Add timesheet dialogue, enter a Name for your timesheet.
  5. Select a date range (Date) and personnel (Submit timesheet for) to filter the categories available to add to your timesheet.
    You can also select all personnel you have permission to register time for.
  6. Check the relevant entries and click Add to timesheet.
  7. The relevant activities appear in the Timesheet table.
    1. Click Save to create the timesheet and save it under the Draft status. You can edit, delete, or send it for approval at any time using the icons on the right side of Timesheets table.
    2. Click Send to send the timesheet for approval.
      1. Select a user to approve the timesheet from the dropdown.
      2. Check the I confirm that I have reviewed this timesheet box.
      3. Click Send.

After you send a timesheet for approval, it moves to the Pending status. You cannot edit a timesheet that is in Pending status.

Other timesheet options

Edit draft timesheets

For any timesheet that is in Draft status, i.e., has been created but not yet sent for approval, you can use the three icons on the right of Timesheets table to edit, send, or delete the timesheet. When editing a timesheet, the filters (date, personnel, and work packages) used to create it will come pre-filled in the edit dialogue.

If you are a reviewer for a Pending timesheet, you can approve or deny the request using the thumbs up and thumbs down icons.

Lock and unlock timesheets

If you have lock or unlock permissions, you can also lock or unlock any timesheet, included signed timesheets, in order to make changes. You will then need to send the timesheet for approval again (if editing a signed timesheet).

Use the two lock icons in the relevant timesheet row.

View and open timesheet activities

Click the  > (expand) button on any timesheet in the table to view details of the activities it contains.

Select which table headers appear in the timesheet's activities details by clicking the gear (settings) icon on the right side of the table header.

Open any activity in the table by clicking the Clipboard (open activity) button.

Filter timesheets

You can use the filter button to filter timesheets by ID, work package, personnel, roles, and teams.

You can also filter by timesheets by all personnel (default) or only those timesheets that were submitted or are for review by you using the radio button at the bottom of the filter options.

Download timesheets

You can download timesheets in PDF and Excel format. Check one or more timesheets in the table, then click the Download dropdown and select the relevant format.