See here for an overview of the task dependency modelling functionality. This page provides greater detail.

Getting Started

  1. Create a new Construction 3 case
  2. Navigate to Build > Assets, create a new asset of the appropriate type, and navigate to the Tasks tab. 
  3. Here you can add all the tasks relevant for this asset and set the following parameters:
    • Loadout base
    • Loadoff base
    • Dependencies on earlier tasks
    • Input and output components
    • Logistics
      • Here, you can assign a vessel directly to the task. If no vessel is available, click Save/Cancel and navigate to Build > Logistics to add the relevant logistic.

Task Types

The following task types are available for most assets:

  • Transport
  • Assembly
  • Feeder
  • Installation Bottom Fixed shuttle: Installation with Heavy Lift Vessel
  • Installation Bottom Fixed Feeder: Installation with a Feeder Vessel
  • Installation Floating
  • Commissioning
  • Testing: multiple testing tasks can be added to the same asset

Name UseMandatory components 
Transport Component transport Loadout base, Loadoff base 
Assembly Asset assembly Base 
Feeder Installation Loadout base
Installation - Bottom Fixed: ShuttleInstallation with HLV Loadout base 
Installation - Bottom Fixed: Feeder Installation with the help of a Feeder Vessel Logistics 
Installation - Floating Installation with a help of a Towing VesselLoadout base 
Commissioning Commissioning tasks Duration, Logistics 
Testing Testing Duration 

Note: Please ensure that you create an installation task since this is no longer part of the automatic background step that the simulation creates for you. At the same time, you can choose to have multiple installation tasks on the same asset or none if you would like to create a simulation without the actual installation.

Additional task types

Cable tasks

The following tasks are available for Inter-array cables and export cables: 

  • Cable laying
  • Cable burial
  • Cable commissioning 

Name UseMandatory components
Cable Burial Cable Burial Logistics 
Cable Laying Cable Laying Logistics 
Cable Commissioning Cable Commissioning Minimum team size, Duration, Logistics
Grouting ShuttleGrouting Dependent task, Logistics 

Foundation (monopile and transition piece) tasks

  • Grouting shuttle


The dependency functionality allows users to show which other task this current task is dependent on to be completed/started. Select the relevant task from the drop-down menu.

There are four different Dependency Types in Construction 3: 

Name Used for Components 
Date When there's a specific start date for the taskEarliest start date 
Individual When an individual task needs to be finished before starting on the taskDependent task, Delay 
AllAll tasks need to be completed before this one Dependent task, Delay 
Some Some tasks need to be completed before this oneDependent task, Delay, Number of Units

Having set the Dependency type as 'Individual', 'All' or 'Some', users are then asked how long a delay they require before this task is started. For example, a delay of 1 day on 'All' would mean that this task starts 1 whole day after the previous task is completed. Selecting a delay of 1 day on 'Some' would mean that this task starts 1 whole day after the previous task has been completed for the specified Number of Units. Users who do not require any delay should retain '0' as the value.



As part of the Shoreline Inventory Management feature, you can add components to transport, assembly, and installation tasks.

Transport and installation tasks only require input components. Assembly tasks require input and output components.

For each task, you add the number of components for a single task, which is then repeated for each asset instance. 

If you want to carry out multiple tasks at once, you can increase the vessel capacity on the relevant logistic.

Installation example

For a bottom-fixed installation, you can create a task with the following settings:

  • Task type: Installation bottom fixed: shuttle
  • Components:
    • Tower complete
      • Quantity: 1
    • Blade
      • Quantity: 3
    • Nacelle
      • Quantity: 1

This installation task is then carried out for each asset instance, i.e., each wind turbine.

Transport example

For transportation of blades from one base to another, you can create a task as follows:

  • Task type: Transport
  • Components:
    • Blade
      • Quantity: 3

We only require 3 blades per asset instance, but we want our transport vessel to carry more than 3 blades, so we would also create a component transfer vessel with these settings:

  • Logistic: Component transfer vessel
  • Capacity:
    • Maximum capacity: 5

This vessel can now carry out 5 transport tasks at once, which means it can transport 15 blades (as there are 3 per task).


Different vessels are available to be assigned to the task according to the selected task. This step ensures that the right vessel is connected to the right task.

E.g. Assembly = Crane, Transport = Component Transport Vessel. Installation = Heavy lift vessel

Users should ensure they have at least one logistic assigned to the task; otherwise the task will not be actioned and there is a risk the simulation fails.