When setting up personnel skills, there are two options: adding the skills manually (see this article on how it works), or the WINDA integration can be used, which automatically picks up the certificate's validity period.


Setting up the integration

To start with the WINDA integration, the WINDA Company ID, Username, and Password is required. Navigate to the Account settings by clicking on the 'Company name' --> 'Account settings', then to 'Integrations':

Once in the 'Integrations' menu, there is a section for WINDA inputs, which requires the 'Winda company ID', 'Username' and 'Password':

Once added, remember to hit 'Save' in the top right corner to save the changes.

Setting up the skills to synchronise with WINDA

Once the integration has been set up, the 'Skills' in the tool can be synced with the 'WINDA skill code' for automatic capture and update of skills for relevant personnel.

While in the 'Account settings', navigate to 'Personnel' --> 'Skills':

Add a new skill name, and in the 'WINDA skill code' input, add the skill code that links to the relevant WINDA skill for synchronisation.

Existing skill can be updated with the 'WINDA skill code' by clicking on the pencil icon.