The visualisation log contains information about the first simulation run, which is also the run you can visualise with the "Visualise" button on the Outputs tab.
Description of the outputs:
Cell | Description |
Column A | Displays the name and ID of the vessel or asset. |
Column B | This is the current status after the state changed. The possible states are visible in the process below the table. |
Column C | This is the current status before the state changed. The possible states are visible in the process below the table. |
Column D | Displays the coordinates on where the current state for the vessel or asset is. |
Column E | Displays the simulation duration of the task in hours. |
Column F | Displays the simulation date and time on when the task happened. |
Column G | Displays the location name on where the current state for the vessel or asset is. |
Column H | Displays the speed of the vessel in knots. |
List of possible states:
States | Description |
CharterableMap.AvailableForCharter | The vessel is available to be chartered. |
CharterableMap.Chartered | The vessel has been chartered. |
CharterableMap.MovingToLoadoutBase | The vessel is moving to the loadout base. |
JackupMap.AtBase | The jackup is at the base. |
JackupMap.AtWindTurbine | The jackup is at the wind turbine. |
JackupMap.Demobilizing | The jackup is demobilising. |
JackupMap.JackingDown | The jackup is jacking down. |
JackupMap.JackingUp | The jackup is jacking up. |
JackupMap.Mobilizing | The jackup is mobilising. |
JackupMap.MovingToBase | The jackup is sailing to the base. |
JackupMap.MovingToWindTurbine | The jackup is sailing to the wind turbine. |
JackupMap.Offshore | The jackup is has finished mobilising and is ready to sail to the turbine. |
JackupMap.ReadyToJackDown | The jackup is ready to jack down. |
JackupMap.ReadyToWork | The jackup is ready to be assigned a work order. |
JackupMap.Working | The jackup is doing the replacement work on the asset. |
OperationalMap.Operating | The asset has been started. |
OperationalMap.Stopped | The asset has been stopped. |
VesselMap.AtBase | The vessel is at the base. |
VesselMap.AtWindTurbine | The vessel is at the wind turbine. |
VesselMap.Demobilizing | The vessel is demobilising. |
VesselMap.Dropping | The vessel is dropping off technicians on an asset. |
VesselMap.Mobilizing | The vessel is mobilising. |
VesselMap.MovingToBase | The vessel is sailing to the base. |
VesselMap.MovingToWindTurbine | The vessel is moving to the wind turbine. |
VesselMap.Offshore | The vessel has finished mobilising and is ready to sail to the turbine. |
VesselMap.Picking | The vessel is picking up personnel from an asset. |