The visualisation log contains information about the first simulation run, which is also the run you can visualise with the "Visualise" button on the Outputs tab.

Description of the outputs:

Column ADisplays the name and ID of the vessel or asset.
Column BThis is the current status after the state changed. The possible states are visible in the process below the table. 
Column CThis is the current status before the state changed. The possible states are visible in the process below the table.  
Column DDisplays the coordinates on where the current state for the vessel or asset is.
Column E
Displays the simulation duration of the task in hours.
Column F
Displays the simulation date and time on when the task happened.
Column GDisplays the location name on where the current state for the vessel or asset is.
Column HDisplays the speed of the vessel in knots.

List of possible states:


CharterableMap.AvailableForCharterThe vessel is available to be chartered.
CharterableMap.CharteredThe vessel has been chartered.
CharterableMap.MovingToLoadoutBaseThe vessel is moving to the loadout base.
JackupMap.AtBaseThe jackup is at the base.
JackupMap.AtWindTurbineThe jackup is at the wind turbine.
JackupMap.DemobilizingThe jackup is demobilising.
JackupMap.JackingDownThe jackup is jacking down.
JackupMap.JackingUpThe jackup is jacking up.
JackupMap.MobilizingThe jackup is mobilising.
JackupMap.MovingToBaseThe jackup is sailing to the base.
JackupMap.MovingToWindTurbineThe jackup is sailing to the wind turbine.
JackupMap.OffshoreThe jackup is has finished mobilising and is ready to sail to the turbine.
JackupMap.ReadyToJackDownThe jackup is ready to jack down.
JackupMap.ReadyToWorkThe jackup is ready to be assigned a work order.
JackupMap.WorkingThe jackup is doing the replacement work on the asset.
OperationalMap.OperatingThe asset has been started.
OperationalMap.StoppedThe asset has been stopped.
VesselMap.AtBaseThe vessel is at the base.
VesselMap.AtWindTurbineThe vessel is at the wind turbine.
VesselMap.DemobilizingThe vessel is demobilising.
VesselMap.DroppingThe vessel is dropping off technicians on an asset.
VesselMap.MobilizingThe vessel is mobilising.
VesselMap.MovingToBaseThe vessel is sailing to the base.
VesselMap.MovingToWindTurbineThe vessel is moving to the wind turbine.
VesselMap.OffshoreThe vessel has finished mobilising and is ready to sail to the turbine.
VesselMap.PickingThe vessel is picking up personnel from an asset.