This article contains different troubleshooting steps you can perform in order to fix any issues you might experience while importing CSV files.

As a new user importing a CSV file to Execution you might encounter some challenges until you get the hang of it, all of which, can usually be resolved by editing the file itself.


Required field mapping is missing

There is at least one required field not filled out. If you scroll up to the import file fieldnames, the system will indicate which field is missing

Could not find value for required field

This error message indicates that the fieldname typed in the import section is not in line with the column name from your excel file. Simple typo error can cause this issue (e.g. having an unintended space before/after the word, lower and upper cases)

Value not in the right format

The system will tell you if you have entered a value that is not in the correct format. In the example below, the user entered the value using a comma instead of a dot.

Name not found in the system

Many names are related to terminologies used already in the system. In case you've entered a name that is not found across the system, you will get the following error message that prevents you to import the files. In order to fix this, align the terminology used in your excel file with those across the system

Terminology dependency in

  • Reports
    • Site ID
    • Departments filter
    • Transports filter
    • Teams filter
    • Work packages filter
    • Asset name
    • Affected activity
    • Team name
    • Transport ID
    • Reason for downtime

  • Work orders
    • Site ID
    • Asset ID
    • Subassembly ID (if the box 'skip field if missing' is unchecked)
    • Component ID (if the box 'skip field if missing' is unchecked)
    • Order type
    • Kanban status
    • Transport allowed
    • Required skills

  • Assets
    • Site ID
    • Asset type
    • Work packages
    • Milestone
    • Milestone status

  • Subassemblies
    • Site ID
    • Asset ID

  • Components
    • Subassembly ID (if the box 'skip field if missing' is unchecked)

  • Personnel
    • Role
    • Department