This article contains information about the different inputs available for the Crew transfer vessel (CTV). For other transport inputs, please see Transportation input overview.

General information

Input labelMandatoryDescription
Name     xThe official name of the transportation
Capacity     xThe capacity is the maximal number of Pax which can be transferred with the transportation
Cruising speed (knots) The cruising speed define the maximal speed of the transportation in knots
Type     xThe type defines the kind of transportation. Depending on the type, different input boxes are available
Onshore port     xThe port is the harbour, airport or similar, used as the point of departure on the way to the base or as a base
Mother transport When a mother transport is defined, it works like a harbour for the CTV and the CTV can pick-up and drop-off teams there
Offshore base The offshore base is a base (e.g. an OAP), it works like a harbour for the CTV and the CTV can pick-up and drop-off teams to and from there
ID The ID is of unique value to identify the transportation
Work package
The transport can be assigned to a certain work package

Current location

Input labelMandatoryDescription


     The latitude where the transport is currently stationed
LongitudeThe longitude where the transport is currently stationed


Input labelMandatoryDescription
Add certificate List of certificates that can be assigned to the transport, after which you can select the certificate's validity
Certificate groups Automatically assigned, depending on the certificate selected, as certificates can be assigned to certificate groups   

Required skills

Input labelMandatoryDescription
Add required skills Qualification define which single or grouped qualification is necessary for every single technician to enter the transportation

Required skill groups

Input labelMandatoryDescription
Add required skill groups Qualification define which grouped qualification is necessary for every single technician to enter the transportation


Input labelMandatoryDescription
Day rate The day rate is the price of transportation per day
Fuel costs The fuel costs are the price for every litre of fuel
Mobilisation cost The mobilisation cost is the price per mobilisation
Port fee The port fee is the price for the port per operation

Weather criteria

Input labelMandatoryDescription
Max wave height The maximum wave height the transport can operate in
Min visibility The minimum visibility in metres required for the transport to operate
Min tide The minimum tide in metres the transport can operate in
Max wind speed at reference heightThe maximum wind speed allowed for the transport to work, measured a the given reference height
Wind speed reference heightThe wind speed reference height is the height where the wind speed is measured

Fuel consumption

Input labelMandatoryDescription
Consumption in transit The fuel consumption in transit is the averaged consumption during transit
Consumption when pushing asset  The fuel consumption when pushing an asset is the averaged consumption while pushing on an asset
Consumption when idle The fuel consumption on idle is the averaged consumption when the transportation is on idle

Activity durations

Input labelMandatoryDescription
Connection time The connection time is the averaged time that the transport needs to get out of the usual transit in the position to transfer an employee
Disconnection timeThe disconnection time is the averaged time that the transport needs to get out of the transfer position in the usual transit status
Personnel transfer time per technician The personnel transfer time is the averaged time that each employee needs to go from the transportation to the asset
Inventory items transfer time
     The inventory transfer time is the averaged time it takes to transfer all inventory items from the transportation to the asset
Mobilising time per port visit
 The mobilising time per port visit is the averaged time that the transportation needs to prepare in the port before leaving the port
Demobilising time per port visit The demobilising time per port visit is the averaged time that the transportation needs to prepare in the port after arriving at the port