Adding subassemblies is a simple process. Below, you will see a step-by-step guide on how to add and/or edit your subassemblies. 

1. To add subassemblies, select the 'subassemblies' tab indicated below.

2 Click on '+Add a new sub assemblyand input the necessary information.

Editing Sub-assemblies

1. Click on 'Edit'  to open the subassembly

2. You can edit the subassembly from this window - this information can be: Name, sub-assembly ID, Serial number, Component count, Load-out ID, Asset and Status.

For information on how to add and edit components, please see this knowledge article.

For information about the different input labels, please see the article Sub assembly input data.

Exporting Sub-assemblies

1. Select the subassemblies

2. Click on 'Download' button at the top right and the subassembly essential info for importing will be exported in csv. format. This will facilitate the edition of the items when importing them.