So let's start with the first step which is adding your site. All sites require data sources to be filled into the tool, in order for it to work properly.

To add a site you will need to provide the basic information; mandatory fields are 'Name', 'type' and 'position'. Only when the site has been added, you can then 'Edit' the site to add the assets, personnel and inventory items that will be stored in the site. 

Adding a Site

1. Go to the menu bar and select  'Sites

Editing a Site and adding Assets and/or Inventory

1. Click on 'Edit' 

2. You will now see a few more tabs appear: Assets, personnel and inventory items

In this section, you can edit already existing information or add additional information.

To add Assets, please see the article Adding and editing assets.

To read more about the different input labels, please see the article Sites input data.