This feature will allow you to create different scenarios for analysis without impacting the live plan. Any information in the draft is not live until you decide to “Submit live”.

This article contains information on the following:

Build Schedule

1. To utilise this feature, navigate to the Planning board menu; this will default to the 'Team timeline' Live view
a) "Live" being the current live data in the system; the tab is highlighted in green

NOTE: while building, note that you can also Optimise the schedule.

*'Change view' provides the choice to move the work order list from the bottom of the page to the side, or vice-versa.

2. Select the "Add new" tab (a new 'Draft' tab will appear), name your draft, then choose between 'Build schedule' or 'Simulate scenario'

3. 'Build schedule' will make a copy of the existing plan (while 'Simulate scenario' will allow you to produce a plan with the option of adding fictitious resources to see the full potential of your project).

4. Once you are satisfied with your draft and wish to submit it to 'Live' (overwriting the previous plan), click 'Submit live'.

Simulate scenario

With our 'Simulate scenario' feature, you are now able to plan on resources that do not have available within your project.

1. To utilise this feature, create a new draft in the planning board and select 'Simulate scenario'

2. Then add the preferred 'Personnel' and 'Transport' that do not exist in your project today (Remember to 'Add rotation').

3. It is also an option to simulate a scenario on specific work orders rather than all at one time. Simply add in the desired work orders in the 'Work orders' field.

Moreover, make sure to define the simulation date range. The earliest start and latest finish dates will be sent to the simulation, and our intelligent engine will come back with the planned dates of the WO. In case the earliest start date and the latest finish dates are not set on the work order, the simulation will use the earliest and latest dates in history.

4. Click 'Simulate scenario' when you are done.

5. You can distinguish your simulated scenario from your scheduled draft indicated by a 'S' watermark next to the defined name. By hovering over it, you can obtain the resources you are expected to include in your simulation