There is a possibility to have an overview of all personnel that are onsite - you can assign personnel to a location to view their location on the site overview map

The following information can be found in this article:

Register personnel to a location

1. On the menu bar, select Resources and you will be directly guided to teams. Add/edit personnel

2. After filling in all necessary information including Name, Employee ID, Account settings, etc. (find more information regarding input data in Adding and editing personnel), scroll down to 'Location'

3. You are able to register personnel to an asset, transport, site, or base. Select the date and start time and click Save. 

Edit/view/registered personnel

Registered personnel can be edited/viewed in many ways.

At the base/site

1. By clicking on the personnel symbol, a new window will appear where you can see the number of personnel assigned to this location

2. When the personnel registered to a specific location is no longer required, you can click on On location in order to edit it.

3. You are now able to select a new location where you want to register the personnel.

On the asset

1. By clicking on the personnel symbol, a new window will appear where you can see the number of personnel assigned to this location

2. When the personnel registered to a specific location is no longer required, you can click on  On location in order to edit it.


By clicking on the edit symbol or the personnel symbol, a new window will pop up where you can see personnel assigned to this transport. Similar to the base/site, you can change the location of those assigned personnel.