This article explains how a substation case is built step by step and will guide you through the entire case. 

Please follow the below step by step guide. Prior to start your modelling you need to make sure a few things are set up: 

  • Input Library - make sure you have a base/port, a substation, a CTV,  and a weather file added in the Input Library. For more information on how to do this please see this article: Input Library.
  • Set up a project and a case - once you have all the information stored in your Input Library you can set up a project and cases. For more information go to Create a Project and Case.

Once this is set you can follow the below steps or click on the link to go directly to information about the tab:

Case info

Click on Build and select Case InfoHere you can add comments to the case.


1. Select Bases

2. Click on + Add instance and select a base from your input library.

3. Click on the site itself

4. Fill in the input data required, and select a weather file. A weather data time series must be added. Save it afterwards. More information can be found in the link Ports and Bases

Wind Farm

You must add a substation to the case in the Asset section. 

1. Click on Build and select Assets

2. Click on  + Add and select Substation from your input library.

3. You can either manually locate it on the map or import a substation layout in .csv format.

4. Fill in all the required data input: Members, Parameters, Scheduled Maintenance, Corrective Maintenance, Weather. Click on + Add Scheduled Maintenance and fill in the input data as seen below, same for Corrective Maintenance. Do not forget to fill in the role in the personnel field which will be needed later when adding personnel. Make sure to upload a weather file before clicking on Add.

More information about adding and editing of assets are available in Assets overview.


Adding a CTV will facilitate the transportation of the technicians related to the maintenance tasks. Fill in all the input data required and click Save. For more information go to Logistics overview.

1. Click on Build and select Logistics

2. Click on + Add and select Crew Transfer Vessel from your input library. 

3. Fill in the required input data as seen below and click Next. Make sure to fill in the required data under Activity Durations accompanied by the time measure (d/h/m/s). 

If used, it is possible to add an SOV or helicopter for usual maintenance and repair tasks. This works analogously with the CTV.


If you desire to add internal Full-Time Employees, the system offers to do an FTE pre-calculation. This feature will help in calculating how many employees needs to be hired for the full installation period. The information will be available when clicking on Calculate & Save. For more information go to Personnel.

1. Click on Build and select PersonnelClick on FTE pre-calculation in order to calculate how many employees need to be hired.

2. Fill in the input data shown below and click Calculate & Save.

3. After clicking  Close, click at + Add in order to create new Personnel.

4. Fill in the required input data seen below. It will be indicated when too many members are used as calculated before. Moreover, roles should be defined prior when adding an asset in order to be able to select now.


The picture below shows the input data that needs to be added. Emergency response limit and minimum working length input must be filled. You can find the description of the features in Strategy.

1. Click on Build and select StrategyFill in the required data input as seen below.