This article guides you step by step in the process of modelling an O&M campaign case.

Please follow the below step by step guide. Prior to starting your modelling you need to make sure a few things are set up: 

  • Input Library - make sure you have a base/port, a wind turbine, a CTV, SOV or Helicopter, and a weather file added in the Input Library. For more information on how to do this please see this article: Input Library.
  • Set up a project and a case - once you have all the information stored in your Input Library you can set up a project and cases. For more information go to Create a Project and Case.

Once this is set you can follow the below steps, or click on the header to go directly to the step:

Case info

1. Click on Build and select Case Info. Here you can enter any general comments for the case.

Setting up the campaign period

1. Go to Personnel to set the case up as a campaign

Prior to starting one thing to consider if how you want to manage the start dates for your Scheduled maintenance task. 

  • Set up Campaign Period: There is an option to set up a campaign period, which we would recommend to do prior to setting up the case. This means the date under all Scheduled Maintenance tasks will by default be set to the campaign period you have already defined in the  Personnel tab, as seen above.

 In the case you don't want to skip this step, you would need to fill in the date manually on each Scheduled Maintenance task. 


1. Click on Build and select Bases

2. Click on + Add and select a base from your input library

3. Click on the base to edit the base

4. Fill in the input data required, and select a weather file. A weather data time series must be added. Save it afterwards. More information can be found in the link Ports and Bases.

Wind Farm

1. Go to  Build Assets

2. Click on + Add and select Wind Turbine from your input library

3. In order to add a group of wind turbines, define the number of wind turbines to add and click Define area. Now, click Mark corners on map in order to select three or more points on the map where the wind turbines should be located. After that, click Populate site and click Next. This is the way to add them manually but you can also import the layout .csv file

4. Fill in the necessary information on parameters, weather criteria, power curve, scheduled maintenance, corrective maintenance and weather.  Most important for this case is Scheduled maintenanceClick Add

5. Go to the Personnel tab to check the campaign start date. Go to Assets and click on the asset to check Scheduled maintenance start date inputs

More information about adding and editing of assets are available in Assets overview.


Adding transportations will facilitate the transfer of the technicians (inside the campaign period) related to the maintenance tasks.

Add a new vessel, fill in all the required input data. Then click Save. For more information go to CTV.

1. Click on Build and select Logistics

2. Click on + Add and select Crew Transfer Vessel from your input library

3. Fill in the required input data as seen below and click Next

4. Finally, adjust the Activity duration before clicking Add


During a campaign, there is personnel available only for the campaign duration. In such a case, it is necessary to add a daily group of technicians especially for the campaign and one for the outside campaign period.

NOTE: When you turn on or off the campaign in the Personnel tab, all start dates for the Scheduled tasks created on the assets will be reset.

If you desire to add internal Full-Time Employees, Shoreline offers the FTE pre-calculation. This feature will help to calculate how many people need to be hired for the campaign and non-campaign period when clicking on Calculate & Save. For more information go to Personnel.

1. Click on Build and select Personnel - In the Campaign section, click "No campaign", and set your campaign's start- and end-dates.

2. PersonnelClick on the FTE pre-calculation in order to calculate how many employees need to be hired

3. Fill in the input data shown below and specify Min. daily technicians and Days off during campaign period before clicking Calculate & Save

4. After clicking Close, click at the + Add in order to create Personnel daily groups. In the case of a campaign, at least two groups are needed, as seen below. One inside the campaign to support the scheduled maintenance tasks, and another one outside the campaign to carry repair tasks in case of any work under corrective maintenance

5. When adding Service technician in the campaign, make sure to change the season to inside campaignUnder Members, you can see if all calculated technicians are over/under-used.


The picture below shows the input data that needs to be added. Emergency response limit and minimum working length input must be filled in. You can find the description of the features in Strategy.

1. Click on Build and select StrategyFill in the required data input as seen below
