In this article, you will learn how to model the construction of a WTG. 

Please follow the below step by step guide. Prior to start your modelling you need to make sure a few things are set up: 

  • Input Library - make sure you have a wind turbine, a base, a CTV, an HLV, and a weather file added in the Input Library. For more information on how to do this please see this article: Input Library
  • Set up a project and a case - once you have all the information stored in your Input Library you can set up a project and cases. See more here on how this works.  

Once this is set you can follow the below steps: 


1. Go   Build→ Bases

Click on  +Add and select a base from your input library. 

2. Click on the base to edit it.

3 Fill in the input data required, and select a weather file. A weather data time series must be added. Save it afterwards. More information can be found in the link Ports and Bases.

Wind farm

1. Go to  Build  → Assets

Click on  +Add and select a wind turbine from your input library.

You will automatically be asked to define the location of the wind farm. You can do this by importing the latitude and longitude or by defining the area on the map.

Click on  Next.

2. Click on the wind farm and fill in the information required.

Fill in the necessary information on parameters, weather criteria, power curve, and weather. 

In addition, it is possible to add completion, commissioning, snagging, testing and post commissioning tasks  if required (whichever is relevant to your case)

For more information about adding and editing of assets are available in Assets overview.


Adding a Heavy Lift Vessel 

1. Go  Build→ Logistics 

2. Click on +Add and select Heavy Lift Vessel 

3. Fill in the input data and define availability, number of vessels needed, wind turbine capacity and port.

4. Click Next

5. Now complete all necessary information for these vessels in the section: 

  • Performance
  • Fuel Consumption 
  • Cost
  • Cycle

IMPORTANT: Go to cycle and define the related process criteria for the Wind turbine load-out and installation, and Jacking up and down (it is possible to enable weather criteria to take into account more weather restrictions).  

You can also set up the learning curve per cycle - please see information about the learning curve in this article: Strategy in ConDesin.

6. Click on Add when you are done.

For more information about how to add, edit vessels go to Adding and editing a HLV

Adding a CTV 

1. Go to  Build→ Logistics 

2. Click on  +Add and select Crew Transfer Vessel

3. Fill in the input data and define availability, port etc. See example below: 

4. Click Next

5. Now complete all necessary information for these vessels in the section

  • Parameters
  • Capacity
  • Performance
  • Weather Criteria
  • Fuel Consumption
  • Cost
  • Activity Duration

6.  Click on Save when you are done For more information about how to add, edit vessels go to Adding and editing a CTV


Create the group 

1. Go  to  Build→ Personnel 

2. Click on +Add

3. Complete and define the necessary inputs. For more information go to Personnel.

4. Click Save when done. 


The last step is to define the installation package dependencies and global learning curve.  You can find the description of the features here: Strategy.

If you want to use the same weather file for the whole case, it can be done easily by coming back either to the Port settings or Wind Farm settings and clicking apply this weather file for the entire case in the Weather tab. To simulate only the installation of the wind turbines, just install WTG.