When you log in to your Shoreline account, you will arrive at the Projects section. If you have not yet set up projects, you will have an empty screen, for those who have projects or cases set up, you will see something like this:  

This article contains the following information:

Adding a project

1. Click on + Add
When you click on add this page will open: 

2. Define the project name and click Add (this can be edited at any point)

Adding a Case

1. Click on the  icon on the project folder where you want to add the case. 

2. Add the necessary information.

Case name → Type in the name of the case

Case type → Here you need to select 

        Operation & maintenance: Select this you want to build a O&M case  

        Construction 3: Select this if you want to build a construction case

If you want to replicate a case you already have set up, you can select the option Copy contents from other case and define which one. (this is not available for Construction 3) 

You can add multiple cases by click on Add another case and fill out the required information.

3. Click Add.