There are a few tricks available to keep a folder organised and easy to manage. 

  • You can re-arrange the order of your cases by simply dragging and dropping 
  • You are able to create subfolders inside of your project to organise your cases e.g. store together those which are relevant to you


This is an easy way for you to move cases around. This is a very simple step and can be done by clicking on this icon: 

Once you select it, you will see the icon will become smaller, which indicates it has been selected. You are also able to select multiple, just click on those cases you want to move, you will see multiple of those icons selected as seen below: 

Now just click on the icon and drag to the location you want to move it to.

PLEASE NOTE: It’s only possible to change the sorting within the same folder. You can’t use the Drag & Drop to move a case to a different folder. See Editing and enabling changes in an existing case section at the end of the article.


1. Click on the three dots next to your project and select 'Add group'

2. Now, define the name of the new group and click 'Submit'

The group will appear inside the project. 

3. Select case/cases to add them to this group by dragging them to the group.

You can reposition a single case by dragging its handle or reposition multiple cases simultaneously by clicking the handles and then moving them.

4. Add subgroups inside a group. 

5. You can Edit/Add subgroups/Delete the group.

Permission Requirements

  • In order to change the order, you need to have WRITE permission for the folder; otherwise, the handle square will be displayed as a single line
  • Sub-groups can be renamed and create sub-folders if you have WRITE permission for the main folder
  • Sub-groups can be deleted if you have WRITE permission for the main folder
  • Sub-groups can be collapsed and expanded if you have READ permission for the main folder

Editing and enabling changes in an existing case

In order to edit a case (not project), you will first have to expand the project so you can see the cases inside the project - then you will have to click the three dots on the right-hand side of the case and click Edit:

You have the following editing options on a case:

  • Name - change the name of the case
  • Project - if you change the project from the current project where the case is located, you get the following option on the bottom of the edit page
    • Save case and move to project - you will now save any changes done, and move the case to the selected project

Tagging cases with colours

In order to tag a case, click on the circle in front of the name of the case and select any colour. The colours do not represent anything other than as a tag. Each project displays the number of cases having a certain colour. This gives you the flexibility to allocate your projects according to your different case status. You can also add and change the tags from inside the case itself by clicking on the colour in the top right corner (bottom screenshot).