To help simplify using Shoreline Design, we have created this article to guide you through some simple steps. 

In short, both of Shoreline Design platform's need 5 basic steps:

1. Set up your Input Library 

The Input Library is the first step needed to be able to start using Shoreline Design. This step is the loading of all your assets, vessels, bases and weather file into a central database. Any information you add in the input library can be used in step 3 and is accessible to all users in your account. 

This article has all the articles necessary for you to familiarise yourself with the input library. 

2. Create a Project & Case 

Here is where you set up folders and cases. Let's highlight the difference: 

Folder → This is the name of the project you are working on. You can add as many cases in one project as you like.

Case → The user can select and define individual cases. The cases contain the data entries with their defined characteristics which will make the simulation run in the end.

This article has all articles necessary for you to familiarise yourself with creating, sharing and editing your projects & cases. 

3. Designing/setting up your Case

This is the most complex step and requires the most attention to detail. So pay close attention! 

In this section, you will need to select what assets, vessels, weather and bases you will need (this comes from the input library) to build or maintain a wind farm. In addition, you will define the personnel and strategy needed. 

The complexity here is making sure all sections you add are linked to each other. What we recommend as a good starting is to have a look at this section, which will provide detailed information on what you need to include when adding wind turbines, foundations, crew transfer vessels, etc. Start by adding the base followed by assets, vessels, personnel, and finally defining the strategy. 

In addition, we have modelled some specific cases to guide you: 

4. Run Simulations 

Now that your case is set up, you are ready to run a simulation! 

This section here will give me more insights into how to run your simulation. 

5. View your Outputs and Reports

The final step is after a successful simulation. Here we will provide you with the output and results. These sections will provide all insights and logic into how to read your output: