Note: O&M cases only. 

Set the power capacity on cables and substations to model power loss through those assets. By adding a power limit to these assets, you can do the following: 

  • Simulate the prevention of system overload through reductions in power production. 
  • Analyze the impact of all BoP components on production-based availability.  
  • Understand how each component's performance, failures, and maintenance schedules affect the overall availability and efficiency of your wind farm. 

You can also add foundations to your case that impact power production by adding them as related instances to the relevant asset. 

If you don’t add cables to your case with power capacity inputs, the wind turbines in your case will generate power according to the windspeed and WTG power curve. 

If you only have an OSS and no cables, the OSS will reduce energy production on every WTG in the wind farm to which it is connected according to the percentage you set on the maintenance activity. 

Finally, if you want cables in your case without them influencing site-wide power production, you can add the cables to your case without linking them to an asset. 

Configure your case 

When you add any inter-array cables, export cables, or substations to your case, you can add a power capacity value at the asset instance level.  

These are the requirements for the solution to work: 

  • Create a grid layout that connects all WTGs to an export cable or substation. 
  • Link each inter-array cable to a WTG instance. 
  • If you’re using foundation, add them as related instances. 

When these criteria are met, the case will model the reliability of the configured asset instance by default when you simulate the case. 

Add cables 

  1. Open a Shoreline Design O&M case. 
  2. Click on the Build tab. 
  3. Click on Assets
  4. Click + Add
  5. Choose either an Inter array cable or Export cable asset. 
  6. Enter the number of cables you want to add. 
  7. In the table of asset instances, create your grid pattern by linking each cable to the relevant WTG using the dropdowns.
  8. Enter a value for Power capacity (MW) on the relevant asset instances.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Configure the asset as required. 
  11. See the Cables input data page for more details. 
  12. Click Save

Add foundations 

  1. Open a Shoreline Design O&M case.  
  2. Click on the Build tab.  
  3. Click on Assets.
  4. On the WTG asset card, click the Add related instances button.

  5. Choose the type of foundation you want to add. 
  6. Choose the relevant foundation template from your input library. 

Your case now has foundations added that are linked to the asset instances. When maintenance work is carried out on these foundation asset instances, it will affect the wind farm’s power production. 

Analyze the system-level impact 

On the Output tab of your case, under Average PBA loss per root cause, two outputs provide insight into how much downtime is caused by power throttling, whether from the wind farm exceeding the maximum power capacity or from a failure on a cable or OSS reducing a WTG’s output: 

  • OSS at max capacity
  • Cable at max capacity

If you have added foundations, any power loss incurred through maintenance on those assets is registered under Average PBA loss per root cause by any output with External at the start, e.g., External scheduled service work.