In the Account settings section, you can manually add the following information: General, Permissions, Adverse events, Work orders, Activity categories, Sites/Assets, Logistics, and Personnel. More information on each section below:
- General
- Integrations
- Permissions
- Adverse Events
- Work orders
- Activity Categories
- Sites/Assets
- Logistics
- Personnel
- Audit log
In the 'general section', you are able to set the time zone where this project takes place and select if the work package field is required in the DPR modal. You can decide between three options: is never required, is required for new reports only, is always required.
The 'Enable unavailability categories' lets you set an absence type when creating an unavailability on a user - if this is disabled, the categories will not be visible.
Screenshot of enabled unavailability categories when editing personnel:
Screenshot of disabled unavailability categories when editing personnel:
You can add a company logo from this section. Drop a file or click and browse to locate it. You then have the option to crop the image.
The company logo will appear on personnel CV and work oder PDF downloads.
Check Use uploaded logo for page branding to enable the logo to appear throughout the Execution web app in place of the default Shoreline logo.
You can integrate with different parties for weather forecast, personnel rotations and certificates, and for vessel tracking data integration.
In order to have an active integration in Shipfinder, Shipfinder API Key needs to be filled in. Once Shipfinder API URL is used, that field cannot be saved empty.
Under the permissions, you will be able to add different access permissions. The first step is to type in ‘New permission policy’. Click ‘Add permission policy’, once added you will then be able to select what access each role will have but selecting or de-selecting permissions. You can always edit an existing permission policy by clicking on the 'pencil' icon or change their ranking position by clicking on the up or down arrow.
Adverse Events
In this section, you can add ‘Decision by’ and ‘Reasons for downtime’.
To add just type in a name for a new decision by and click on 'Add type'. You can always delete by clicking on the trash can icon or edit by clicking on the ´pencil´ icon.
If you click on the tab 'Reasons for Downtime' you will be able to add the reason, ID, and link it to 'Type'. See the example below.
Work orders
In this section, you can set up custom fields, work order types, work order status mapping, man-hours vs clock hours, and work order reports.
The default view is the custom fields when accessing the work order settings. Here, you are able to create and edit custom fields. A module will open in which you need to define the name, whether it is a required field (shown as * in the work order) and whether it is an active field. In addition, you need to select the allowed work order types and the field types from the drop-down menu,
In the next tab, you can add and edit work order types by indicating the name and the corresponding description. Once you've filled this out, click on 'Add type' and the new work order type will be listed below.
Following the drop-down menu, you will be guided to the work order status mapping which is set up by default. However, you are able to define your own status and add as many as needed.
You can edit the following:
- Group names
- Actual status name that is mapped to the internal key on the right-hand side
- You can also add your own tooltip of what each status means
*It is important to note that the values on the right are internal keys and cannot be changed. The editable values are status that your users will see.
Activity Categories
Here you can add new or edit existing generic activity categories, their ID, and assign them to one or multiple work packages.
The Requires Internal Remarks? toggle makes the internal remarks field mandatory when users create activities or add new activities to reports using that activity category.
You can export your activity categories as a CSV file using the Export button at the top right.
Under Sites/Assets, you can add the following settings: Site types, Asset types, Asset milestones and Component milestones. We recommend you to complete this step with as much information as possible. This information will be used for planning, personnel, setting up sites and overall reporting.
- Site Types: Define the type of site e.g Onshore, transformer station, grid connection etc. When adding a site you will be able to define what type it is through this information
- Asset Types: Here you can add the type of asset you will need or use e.g Wind Turbine/ Make sure all assets you will need are added. When adding a site you will be able to use this information.
- You can also add a power curve to an asset type. Go to "Adding and editing a power curve in assets" for instructions on how to do this. Once you have added asset milestones, you can select those in the drop-off tab 'Milestone sequences' assign them to the relevant asset type
- You can export your asset types as a CSV file by clicking the Export button at the top right.
- Asset milestones: Here you can define the asset milestones including the status. You can then assign those milestones to your asset types.
- Components milestones: If you would like to change subassembly and component status names yourself, you can do so here
When you define a new asset, you are also able to assign the relevant milestone sequences by using the drop-off menu, once you have set up those asset milestones.
The milestone sequences can be added under the tab 'Asset milestones'.
Give the mapping a name and click 'Add Mapping'
The mapping will be added to the list; click on the mapping name to expand the mapping. You can now add any number of status and give these a name. Remember to click 'Save' to save the changes
If you need to rearrange the order, you can do so by dragging and dropping the different status'
After you have created the 'Asset milestones', you will have to assign the mapping to an or several assets. This is done via the 'Asset types'.
Click the 'Edit' button on the asset type you want to link the milestone to, then select the milestone sequence name in the dropdown
You can define the status names for subassemblies and components ('User Keyword'). If the user does not need all of them, they can select only the ones desired in the 'Active' column. 'Ordering' will define the way they will appear when adding Next status. 'Internal Key' column is defined by Shoreline. Remember to click 'Save' to save the changes.
In the logistics tab, you can create the transport certificates and the transport certificate groups.
The transport certificates are the certificates available for transportation, which are given to each transport when they are created/edited.
This section is important for setting up personnel compensaition, custom sections and fields, roles, departments, team types, and defining skills and skill groups.
Select the personnel tab and go to ’Personnel roles’. Here you will see a blank comment box, type in the title (e.g Service technician). Once typed in click on 'Add role'. You can always edit existing employees by clicking on the 'pencil' icon.
Follow the same steps in order to add or edit departments, team types, skills and skill groups.
Audit log
In the Audit log, personnel with the permission (enabled through the permissions settings) to view the audit log can see the following information:
- User email - shows the email the user logged in with
- Action - show's the action taken by the user
- Date and time - displays the date and time of the action performed by the user
- Project - displays the project name associated with the user
- IP Address - logs the IP address of the user
- Browser - logs the browser information